Building Projects: and the Clojure CLI
and the Clojure CLI- The
Library - Running Tasks based on Aliases
- Multi-Version Testing
- Tips for Building JAR Files
- The Generated
File - Continuous Integration Pipelines
- Automating deployments
- Using a "build REPL"
- Working with Multiple Subprojects
- Including Java code in a Clojure project
and the Clojure CLI
is a library for building artifacts in Clojure projects, which are typically
library .jar
files for deployment to repositories like Clojars
for others to use or application .jar
files to run on servers or in containers.
provides functions to copy files and directories, to run arbitrary
commands and capture their output (with special support for java
to easily run git
commands, to
create pom.xml
files, to compile Clojure (and Java) code, and to build both .jar
and .zip
This cookbook will offer examples that go beyond the basics in the official guide, based on real-world projects.
Executing functions with the Clojure CLI
If you are already familiar with the -X
and -T
options to the Clojure CLI, you can skip this section.
The Clojure CLI was introduced
by the core Clojure team in 2018 and focused on starting a REPL and
running code, and managing dependencies using a deps.edn
-X eXecute function
Unlike Leiningen, which was more of a
"batteries-included" approach, the CLI assumed that you would declare
additional tooling through "aliases" in deps.edn
, to add extra
dependencies, and evolved over time to support both traditional
command-line invocation -- a sequence of string arguments passed to a -main
function -- and direct invocation of Clojure functions, passing a
hash map of options from the command-line:
clojure -X my-proj.api/foo '{:bar 42}'
This will attempt to load the my-proj.api
namespace and call the foo
function, passing in the hash map {:bar 42}
. If you have the following
;; src/my_proj/api.clj
(ns my-proj.api)
(defn foo [opts]
(println (get opts :bar "No :bar passed!")))
Then it will print 42
. You can also specify the hash map as individual
key/value pairs on the command-line:
clojure -X my-proj.api/foo :bar 42
Shortening command line invocations
You can shorten that in two ways:
- Add an alias to your
file that includes the default namespace you want to use:
;; deps.edn
:api {:ns-default my-proj.api}
Now you can omit the namespace from the command-line:
clojure -X:api foo :bar 42
- Specify a default function to run in an alias:
;; deps.edn
:api {:ns-default my-proj.api
;; could use :exec-fn foo since my-proj.api is the default namespace:
:exec-fn my-proj.api/foo}
Now -X:api
on its own will run that foo
clojure -X:api :bar 42
Running Tests
The -X
option to the Clojure CLI stands for "eXecute function" and it
uses the same default context as your project, so your source code and its
dependencies are all available. This is useful for running tests, for
example, using the
Cognitect Labs' test-runner
;; deps.edn
;; add this to :aliases in deps.edn:
:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {io.github.cognitect-labs/test-runner
{:git/tag "v0.5.1" :git/sha "dfb30dd"}}}
and now you can run your tests with:
clojure -X:test cognitect.test-runner.api/test
which you can shorten by specifying the function you want to execute by default directly in the alias:
;; deps.edn
;; add this to :aliases in deps.edn:
:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {io.github.cognitect-labs/test-runner
{:git/tag "v0.5.1" :git/sha "dfb30dd"}}
:exec-fn cognitect.test-runner.api/test}
Now you can run your tests with:
clojure -X:test
-T execute Tooling
However, sometimes you want to run some tooling without the context of your
project and the -T
option is provided for that -- "execute Tooling":
it omits the dependencies
and paths from your project, using only those declared in the aliases you
specify with -T
(if any).
The functions in
are intended to be used with -T
and you
typically declare a :build
alias in deps.edn
for this:
;; deps.edn
;; add this to :aliases in deps.edn:
:build {:deps {io.github.clojure/ {:mvn/version "0.10.6"}}
:ns-default build}
The -T
option implicitly sets :paths ["."]
(as opposed to :paths ["src"]
which is the default for -M
and -X
The code for the build processes would typically be in a build.clj
file in the root of your project -- so its namespace would be build
the file is relative to "."
-- the project root). As shown above,
the :ns-default
key then allows you to omit the namespace portion when
you invoke functions in build.clj
(ns build
(:require [ :as b]))
(defn hello [opts]
(println (str "Hello, " (:name opts "World") "!")))
Try this out by running that hello
clojure -T:build hello
clojure -T:build hello :name '"Build"'
The extra quotes in that second example are necessary to pass a Clojure string (with double quotes) through the shell as a literal value (with single quotes). You can do the same thing with:
clojure -T:build hello '{:name "Build"}'
For more background reading, see the CLI Execution options guide.
The official guide provides three examples, and talks briefly about passing
parameters into build
task functions:
Those examples are a good starting point for simple projects but there is
so much you can do with build.clj
to automate all manner of things in
larger projects:
- Parameterizing builds using aliases in
- Multi-version testing
- Continuous Integration pipelines
- Automating deployments
- Using a "build REPL"
- Coordinating build tasks across multiple subprojects
For reference, here's the official documentation:
Before we start on more complex tasks, let's first look at a task to run an arbitrary process based on aliases.
Running Tasks based on Aliases
provides functions to construct a Java-based command-line and
then run it as a subprocess, using a "basis" to control what classpath is
passed to the java
Simple Example
Given the deps.edn
above (containing the :build
alias) and the build.clj
above (containing the hello
function), we're going to start out by adding
a run
function that will run a specific Java-based command-line. Then we'll
parameterize it using aliases in deps.edn
(defn run [opts]
(let [cmd (b/java-command {:basis (b/create-basis)
:main 'clojure.main
:main-args ["-e" "(clojure-version)"]})]
(b/process cmd)))
We can run this with:
clojure -T:build run
and we'll see the version of Clojure we're running, for example: "1.12.0"
Error Handling
Since we will generally want the build to fail if the command exits with
a non-zero status, we'll check the return value of b/process
and throw
an exception if the exit status is non-zero:
(when-not (zero? (:exit (b/process cmd)))
(throw (ex-info (str "run failed for " aliases) opts)))
Extra Options
In addition, we'll make all our function return the opts
map, so that
we can chain them together in a pipeline, either within another function
or when we get to the "build REPL" section later.
We want to parameterize this so we can run any command-line we want, so
we will pass :aliases
in the opts
and use that to construct the
basis and also to retrieve both the :main
class to run and the :main-args
we want to use with it.
We will need to use the
namespace from tools.deps
to process the aliases, so that we can
retrieve data from those aliases in deps.edn
(ns build
(:require [ :as b]
;; add this:
[ :as t]))
;; change run to this:
(defn run [{:keys [aliases] :as opts}]
(let [basis (b/create-basis opts) ; primarily using :aliases here
alias-data (t/combine-aliases basis aliases)
cmd-opts (merge {:basis basis
:main 'clojure.main
:main-args ["-e" "(clojure-version)"]}
cmd (b/java-command cmd-opts)]
(when-not (zero? (:exit (b/process cmd)))
(throw (ex-info (str "run failed for " aliases) opts)))
We need the :aliases
in create-basis
so paths and dependencies from those
aliases are taken into account for building the classpath. We've added the
call to combine-aliases
so that we can get the raw data from those aliases
in deps.edn
-- we'll get back a hash map which is the merge of the values
identified by those aliases.
Next we're going to add :main-args
to the :test
alias in deps.edn
:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {io.github.cognitect-labs/test-runner
{:git/tag "v0.5.1" :git/sha "dfb30dd"}}
:exec-fn cognitect.test-runner.api/test
;; add this alias data for build.clj:
:main-args ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]}
If we pass the :test
alias to our run
task like this:
clojure -T:build run :aliases '[:test]'
we'll see the test runner output (assuming you don't have any tests yet):
Running tests in #{"test"}
Testing user
Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Create test
Let's add a test
function to build.clj
to make this easier to run:
(defn test [opts]
(run (update opts :aliases conj :test)))
Since test
is also a function in clojure.core
, we'll suppress the warning
that would cause by excluding test
from being referred in:
(ns build
;; add this:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [test])
(:require [ :as b]
[ :as t]))
Now we can run the tests with:
clojure -T:build test
Wrap up
There are several important things to note here:
- All our
functions return theopts
map, possibly augmented by the function itself. This will help us chain functions together later. - Each function can set up defaults, which can be overridden by the caller via the
map, and then by the alias data fromdeps.edn
. - We pass full options and alias data hash maps to all the
functions, so that we can provide arbitrary additional options to those functions, via the command-line, other functions, or via alias data indeps.edn
. This follows Clojure's "open map" approach to data to support flexibility and extensibility. - We do not return the
from a function because we want each function to be able to control that independently, although our functions can accept a:basis
in theopts
map so the caller can still override that if needed.
Multi-Version Testing
With the above run
and test
functions in place, we can automatically
run our tests for multiple versions of Clojure. We'll add aliases to deps.edn
that specify versions of Clojure to test against, and then use those in a
new test-multi
function in build.clj
Add these aliases to deps.edn
:1.9 {:override-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"}}}
:1.10 {:override-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}}}
:1.11 {:override-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.4"}}}
:1.12 {:override-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}}}
When these aliases are used in combination with other aliases, the default
version of Clojure will be overridden with the specified version. We can see
this by running clojure -T:build run :aliases '[:1.9]'
and seeing "1.9.0"
for example.
Here's our test-multi
(defn test-multi [opts]
(doseq [v [:1.9 :1.10 :1.11 :1.12]]
(println "\nTest with Clojure" v)
(test (update opts :aliases conj v)))
If we add the following test/example_test.clj
file to our project, we can
verify the tests are running against the correct version of Clojure:
(ns example-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))
(deftest version-test
(println (clojure-version))
(is true))
Now when we run clojure -T:build test-multi
we see:
Test with Clojure :1.9
Running tests in #{"test"}
Testing example-test
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Test with Clojure :1.10
Running tests in #{"test"}
Testing example-test
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Test with Clojure :1.11
Running tests in #{"test"}
Testing example-test
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Test with Clojure :1.12
Running tests in #{"test"}
Testing example-test
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Tips for Building JAR Files
Although the official
has examples for
Source library jar build
Compiled uberjar application build,
and both of these first define a number of global variables, and then use
those to construct distinct hash maps of options for the b/*
function calls,
if we want to parameterize our builds, it is more convenient to write a
function that takes the options as a parameter, and returns the full options
hash map with those "global" defaults merged in.
The only "gotcha" about doing this is that there are five b/*
that accept :src-dirs
and they typically have different values for each
of those calls. Depending on how your project is structured, you might be
able to get away with using ["src" "resources"]
for :src-dirs
adding (take 1 ..)
around it for b/write-pom
and/or b/compile-clj
For b/javac
, you probably want a separate :src-dirs
value since any
Java source code in your project is likely to be separate from your Clojure
code and won't be copied into your JAR (but it will be compiled and the
classes that produces will be included in the JAR).
An alternative approach is to use a :src-dirs
value of ["src"]
in your
options hash map that is passed "everywhere" and then for b/copy-dir
["src" "resources"]
explicitly for :src-dirs
. This is the approach used
in both
for example.
Those build.clj
files are also examples of providing a jar-opts
that can set up all the options needed for b/write-pom
and b/jar
in one
place, although neither allows for the default options to be overridden from
the command-line or by other functions (except for selection of whether to
build a SNAPSHOT or a release version of the library).
The global variables defining lib
, version
, etc could be moved to the
function but some people will find it easier to read your build.clj
file if they are defined at the top of the file.
You might end up with something like:
(defn- jar-opts [opts]
(let [lib 'my/lib ; group/artifact
version "1.2.3"
target "target"
classes (str target "/classes")]
(assoc opts
:lib lib
:version version
;; group/artifact-version.jar is the expected naming convention:
:jar-file (format "target/%s-%s.jar" lib version)
:scm {:tag (str "v" version)}
:basis (b/create-basis {})
:class-dir classes
:target-dir classes ; for b/copy-dir
:target target
:path target ; for b/delete
:src-dirs ["src"])))
(defn jar [opts]
(let [opts (jar-opts opts)]
;; functions return nil:
(b/delete opts)
(b/write-pom opts)
(b/copy-dir (update opts :src-dirs conj "resources"))
(println "\nWriting" (:jar-file opts))
(b/jar opts))
;; return original opts for chaining:
Note: in the above
function, we do not allow the JAR-related options to be overridden by theopts
passed in. If you want to allow that, you can usemerge
instead ofassoc
in thejar-opts
function (with a literal hash map of the JAR-related options followed byopts
). You may need to do extra work if you want:lib
, and/or:target
to be overridden but still have:jar-file
, and:target-dir
be derived from those values.
Note: the basis is a huge hash map so we don't want to return it from our
function (unless it was passed in viaopts
) in case we either want to use this from the "build REPL" (later) or from another function where we might want control over the basis used. If you decide to return the merged options fromjar
, you should probably usedissoc
to remove the basis from the options returned (unless it was passed in viaopts
If you are building an uberjar (instead of a library JAR), and your application relies on log4j2,
you may need to add build-uber-log4j2-handler
as and :conflict-handlers
in your b/uber
call. See the README in that
projects for details.
The Generated pom.xml
By default, b/write-pom
will generate a minimal pom.xml
file that includes
but not much else.
(b/write-pom {:basis (b/create-basis {}) :lib 'foo/bar :version "1.2.3" :target "target"})
will generate:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
While you can pass :scm
as an option, as shown above, there are several other fields that
you might well want in the generated pom.xml
before you upload it to Clojars,
including <licenses>
-- see
Clojars policy about license information in pom.xml
Luckily, b/write-pom
allows you to provide additional information via the
option or, as of
0.9.6, the :pom-data
The :src-pom
option allows you to specify a "template" pom.xml
file for
to add coordinates and dependencies to.
The newer :pom-data
option allows you to specify those extra fields
as Hiccup-style data in your build.clj
Note: if you use
, you need to be aware that quite a bit of tooling out there expects the top-levelpom.xml
file in a project to be the "complete" version, so you will either want to put your "template"pom.xml
file in a subdirectory or name it something likepom-template.xml
so it won't be considered as a top-levelpom.xml
file, and then specify the path to that file as:src-pom
in your call tob/write-pom
. In addition, your "template"pom.xml
must include<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
. If you use:pom-data
, you don't have to worry about this.
Tools like deps-new
and Leiningen
generate projects that produce a more complete pom.xml
file, so you
don't have to worry too much about this if you create projects using those tools.
Otherwise, you can provide additional pom.xml
content to :pom-data
as a vector of
section information, in your build.clj
To satisfy the Clojars policy, you'll need to add at least:
(def pom-template
[:name "Eclipse Public License"]
[:url ""]]]])
(b/write-pom ... :pom-data pom-template)
For a fully-fleshed out example, see the
function for next.jdbc
in that project's build.clj
(defn- pom-template [version]
[[:description "The next generation of a new low-level Clojure wrapper for JDBC-based access to databases."]
[:url ""]
[:name "Eclipse Public License"]
[:url ""]]]
[:name "Sean Corfield"]]]
[:url ""]
[:connection "scm:git:"]
[:developerConnection "scm:git:ssh://"]
[:tag (str "v" version)]]])
The jar-opts
function in next.jdbc
's build.clj
file specifies the
as (pom-template version)
Note: while
's docstring says "The pom-data MUST NOT include: ... :scm", the caveat is to avoid specifying both the:scm
option and also an:scm
section in the:pom-data
-- you can specify one or the other, but not both.
Continuous Integration Pipelines
Now that we have testing and JAR-building covered, we can add a ci
to our build.clj
file to run our tests and build a JAR file:
(defn ci [opts]
(-> opts
;; run any other linters or testing you need here...
;; ...then build the JAR if everything passes:
The HoneySQLbuild.clj
file has a ci
function that runs tests for multiple Clojure versions,
for ClojureScript, and runs "doc tests" (validating all the examples in the
documentation), as well as running the
Eastwood linter
-- all before building the JAR file.
Your pipeline configuration for continuous integration could now be as simple as:
clojure -T:build ci
If you need to set up databases for testing, you could write that as a function
in your build.clj
file and call it from ci
before running the tests, possibly
configured via aliases.
You might also want your CI pipeline to perform a deployment step, which we'll cover next.
Automating deployments
itself does not provide any direct support for deploying artifacts
so you will need to use additional libraries. If you are deploying to Clojars,
then deps-deploy is a good option.
Add the following to your :build
alias in deps.edn
(in the :deps
slipset/deps-deploy {:mvn/version "0.2.1"}
Create deploy
And add the following task to your build.clj
(defn deploy "Deploy the JAR to Clojars." [opts]
(let [{:keys [jar-file] :as opts} (jar-opts opts)]
(dd/deploy {:installer :remote :artifact (b/resolve-path jar-file)
:pom-file (b/pom-path (select-keys opts [:lib :class-dir]))}))
Note: the expected naming convention for JAR files on Clojars is
so you should ensure that your:lib
values are set up correctly in yourjar-opts
function (see above).
Clojars credentials
Per the deps-deploy
README, you'll need to set up environment variables
for your Clojars username and token: CLOJARS_USERNAME
(even tho' it is not your password, it's a deployment token you need to
setup in your Clojars account).
You can now deploy your JAR file to Clojars with:
clojure -T:build deploy
CI integration
At this point, you can automate building and deploying snapshot or full release versions of your library, using GitHub Actions or whatever CI pipeline service you prefer.
The next.jdbc
library project builds and deploys a snapshot version for
every successful commit to the develop
branch and builds and deploys a
release version whenever a release tag is created:
- selecting the version based on options
- test, build, and deploy a snapshot
- test, build, and deploy a release
Using a "build REPL"
While you can write task functions that combine multiple steps, it can be useful to work interactively with the build process, so you can run each step -- or a subset of steps -- individually. You can do this by starting a "build REPL" with:
clj -M:build -i build.clj -e "(in-ns 'build)" -r
This will start a REPL with the build.clj
file loaded and the b/*
available, since you will be in the build
Let's break this down:
-- this says "runclojure.main
with the:build
alias as the context", so you have
dependencies available, and everything that follows is an argument toclojure.main
,-i build.clj
-- this says "load thebuild.clj
file before starting the REPL",-e "(in-ns 'build)"
-- this switches you into thebuild
namespace (after it was loaded by-i
-- this says "start a REPL after loading the file and switching namespaces".
Now you can run individual tasks, or combinations of tasks, interactively:
build=> (test-multi {})
build=> (-> {} (test-multi) (jar))
Because you have a "build REPL" running, you don't have to pay the startup
time cost for each task, like you would for clojure -T:build test-multi
Using an example from where I work, I might run some or all of the following steps within a "build REPL":
build=> (-> {} (check-all) (ancient) (cve-check) (cold-start) (test-stable) (build-uberjars))
There is a subtlety to be aware of here: clojure -T:build
not only uses the
dependencies declared in the :build
alias to be added to the classpath, it
also sets the :paths
to be ["."]
-- just the current directory -- so your
project source code (and dependencies) are not available directly in
code. When you run clojure -M:build
, your project
source code is available directly in the "build REPL" -- but its
dependencies are not, and any local files your build.clj
expects to be able
to read from the classpath (or load as namespaces) will not be available.
If that matters, you can add -Sdeps '{:paths ["."]}'
to the command:
clj -Sdeps '{:paths ["."]}' -M:build -i build.clj -e "(in-ns 'build)" -r
That's quite a mouthful so you probably want to put it in a shell script
somewhere on your PATH
, for convenience!
Working with Multiple Subprojects
If you have a project with multiple subprojects, you can use
to build them all, and run tests for them all, with a single build.clj
file in the root of the project.
has the concept of a "project root" which is exposed as a
dynamic variable b/*project-root*
and which is used by the various other
functions to resolve paths relative to the project root.
You can loop over your subprojects and use with-project-root
to set the project root
for each one while you call
functions to test, build, and deploy
each subproject.
If you're working with tools.deps
directly as well in your build.clj
you might also want to use
to set the
project root for tools.deps
operations. Note that with-dir
takes a
for a directory,
expects a
for the path to the project root!
A fairly comprehensive example can be found in the
Polylith build.clj
Polylith has multiple subprojects under the projects/
The deploy
task function
loops over all the subprojects
and calls jar
which uses
both with-dir
and with-project-root
to set the project root while performing tools.deps
Including Java code in a Clojure project
Some Clojure projects may decide to implement some functionality directly in Java, which then requires a compilation step for those Java files.
First, run mkdir -p java/src/mypackage
, where mypackage
is the package name you wish to use, in the root of your Clojure project.
Then, create "" in said directory:
package mypackage; // Replace with your package name.
public class Hello {
public static String sayHello(){
return "Hello from Java!";
The Java file needs to be compiled. Add this to build.clj
(defn compile-java [_]
(b/javac {:src-dirs ["java"]
:class-dir class-dir
:javac-opts ["-source" "17" "-target" "17"]})) ;; Change the Java version as desired.
And run clj -T:build compile-java
to create target/classes/mypackage/Hello.class
Re-run the compile command anytime the java file changes.
When Clojure is run, the target/classes
directory must be included.
Do this by adding "target/classes" to the :paths
key in deps.edn
{:paths ["src" "resources" "target/classes"]
Finally, restart any Clojure REPLs you might have running. You can now call your Java code from Clojure:
user=> (mypackage.Hello/sayHello)
"Hello from Java!"
or import it
user=> (import '[mypackage Hello])
user=> (Hello/sayHello)
"Hello from Java!"